Mint jelly tastes like Easter

There are almost as many mint jelly recipes as there are chefs. If you don’t yet have a recipe for this Easter treat, we want to share ours with you.

Making Plantui mint jelly is straightforward and fast. Now that the weather is getting warmer and warmer who wants to stay in the kitchen longer than necessary anyway!

For 1 dl Plantui mint jelly you need:
1.25 dl of apple juice
0.75 dl jelly sugar
1 dl Plantui mint

Put the apple juice in a saucepan and when the juice boils, add jelly sugar to it. Let boil for one minute, stirring constantly.

Allow to cool for a while: if you add mint to the mixture while it too hot, mint can turn a dull color.

Meanwhile, chop the mint leaves.

Add the minced mint to the mixture and put in to the refrigerator. Use within couple of days.

Enjoy mint jelly with a sheep or turkey dishes. And if there’s any left over, enjoy with biscuits and cheese.


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