Salads are the right plants to start your indoor gardening experience! They grow fast and leaves can be tasted already while the plant is growing, bringing lots of joy to even the inexperienced gardeners. To grow salads indoors has never been as easy as in Plantui garden 😊 These leafy greens are also rich in nutrients good for your body!
Tips and Tricks for growing Salads
- salads prefer to grow in a cool place (around 20 °C), so it’s a good idea to keep the lettuce away from heat sources. Lettuce that grows too hot will be dry and will start to taste bitter.
- start to eat from the outermost leaves of the plant’s rosette. The salad will grow back if the growth head is preserved.
- try different varieties: Use different varieties, example spicy kales, to give boost to your daily salads. Most of the spicy varieties are also ideal in soups and for frying in a pan, especially when the leaves get bigger and older.
What’ s the secret of healthy salads?
Salads are a very good source of minerals (like potassium, magnesium and iron), vitamins (especially A, C and K) and fiber and some even omega3-s. Eating fresh leaves directly from the growing plants rather than plants that have been traveling and waiting on the shelf for days ensures that the plants don’t lose their nutrients. With the indoor garden the salads are super-local food & always healthy! But that’s not all, the Plantui horticulture LED lights are optimized for helping the plant accumulating more nutrients. Studies showed that our green basil has 4-5 times more vitamin C and E than the one got from the shop, WOW!
Great variety to include to your healthy diet
Our salad selection includes more than 15 varieties of plants that are different from each other for their look, taste, and nutritional value! Here are some examples:
- Green lettuce: a sweet and delicate salad with light green leaves full of minerals.
- Cresses: Watercress and Garden-cress are especially rich in iron and calcium.
- Arugula and (wild) rucola: two related salads with nutty and slightly bitter taste.
- The cabbage “family”: Green kale and its Japanese cousin Mizuna have the greatest yield of vitamins.
- Mustards: Red giant, Fringed red or Wasabina, a spicy and peppery salad for each taste.
- Choy and friends: green, and red pock choy and tatsoi are different Asian salads, all to try.
- Sorrel: fresh and lemony leaves for salads, cooked dishes and even in drinks.
Ready to try them out? Try our “tasty salads“ pack with 6 salads selected for you.
If you would like to grow some salad that is not (yet) in our selection, try to experiment yourself using the experimental kit and your own seeds.