Leaf radish


Raphanus sativus 

Our fastest-growing salad! 

Leaf radish is a really fast-growing leafy vegetable.  

Young leaves can be used in salads or for decorating portions as such, to add a fresh, slightly peppery flavour. If the radish has grown over ten centimetres tall, it can be fried in a pan like spinach or made into a pesto with a kick.


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Category: Salad
Package includes: 3 plant capsules + nutrients
First leaves in: 1 weeks
Growth and size: Fast speed; Medium (3 height blocks)
This plant will need an extra height block  in addition to the default 2 blocks which the device is shipped with.
How to cut: Prune by cutting off the outermost leaves at the base of the rosette. See pruning guide here.
When to eat: You can start eating after about 3-4 weeks. Don´t cut it all so that it can continue growing.

Additional info:
Leaf radish will sprout in a couple of days and can be harvested in two weeks from sowing. The leaves are best used young, when they are less than ten centimetres tall. Harvest by cutting the outermost parts of radish near the base. New growth takes place in the mid section of the plant. 

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