

Anethum graveolens

Dill is truly a classic herb, one worth growing all year round.

In northern climates, dill is traditionally a summer herb, perfect with new potatoes. However, dill can be grown and enjoyed at any time of the year. Grow tasty dill to add to a hearty autumn soup, or with a fish dish served to guests at Christmas. For a touch of everyday luxury, try adding dill to a smoked-salmon sandwich!

In ancient Greece, dill was used for medicinal purposes as well as to crown victorious heroes returning from battle. The superb flavour of the Plantui dill is strong and well-balanced.

Category: Herb
Package includes: 3 plant capsules + nutrients
First leaves in: 2 weeks
Growth and size: Medium speed; Tall (4 height blocks)
This plant will need extra height blocks for your Plantui in addition to the default 2 blocks which the device is shipped with. We recommend that you get at least one boosting light block in addition to the regular height blocks
How to cut: Prune by cutting off the outermost leaves at the base of the rosette;
When to eat: Start to eat after 3-4 weeks

Additional info:
Dill germinates in 8-10 days and can be harvested for the first time three weeks after sowing.

Harvest by cutting the outermost parts of the plant near the base. New growth takes place in the mid section of the plant.

Soon after dill begins to grow, a height block is required. If growing other herbs at the same time, choose ones that grow equally fast. Suitable examples include coriander and parsley.

Dill can be harvested for about two months. After this period, replace the old dill capsule with a new one, to ensure you can always enjoy lovely, fresh-tasting dill.

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