

Petroselinum crispum var. neapolitanum 

A fresh all-purpose herb with vitamins and iron 

Leaf parsley, or flat-leaf parsley, is a good source of iron and rich in vitamins. Fans of leaf parsley say that it tastes stronger and germinates quicker than ordinary parsley. 

The fresh taste of leaf parsley doesn’t compete with other flavours, making it suitable for almost any type of dish. Try it in salads, soups, sandwiches, casseroles or even smoothies. Leaf parsley is a must in Salsa Verde and tabbouleh salad! It’s also the perfect counterbalance to garlic – you can even chew afterwards to freshen your breath! 

Category: Herb
Package includes: 3 plant capsules + nutrients
First leaves in: 2 weeks
Growth and size: Medium speed; Tall (4 height blocks)
This plant will need extra height blocks for your Plantui in addition to the default 2 blocks which the device is shipped with. We recommend that you get at least one boosting light block in addition to the regular height blocks
How to cut: Prune by cutting off the outermost leaves at the base of the rosette;
When to eat: Start to eat after 4 weeks

Additional info:

Leaf parsley germinates in 10 days and can be harvested for the first time about 4 weeks after sowing. 

Harvest by cutting the outermost parts of leaf parsley near the base. New growth takes place in the mid section of the plant. 

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