

Brassica rapa var. perviridis 

Japanese flavour! This wonderful fresh salad can also be used cooked. 

Komatsuna is sometimes referred to as Japanese mustard spinach. This leafy vegetable, a charming combination of the flavours of cabbage, spinach and mustard, is worth a try with casserole dishes and pasta, unless you’ve already eaten it all up as is.

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Category: Salad
Package includes: 3 plant capsules + nutrients
First leaves in: 1 weeks
Growth and size: Fast speed; Medium (3 height blocks)
This plant will need an extra height block  in addition to the default 2 blocks which the device is shipped with.
How to cut: Prune by cutting off the outermost leaves at the base of the rosette. See pruning guide here.
When to eat: You can start eating after about 2-3 weeks. Don´t cut it all so that it can continue growing.

Additional info:

Komatsuna sprouts in three days and can be harvested in 2-3 weeks. Harvest by cutting the outermost parts of komatsuna near the base. New growth takes place in the mid section of the plant. 

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